Hi, I’m Steve.
My standard bio is I father. I write. I drink coffee.
I do the second while doing the third when not doing the first. I do the third while doing the first, but carefully so no one gets burned.
For a significant amount of time, I’ve felt that the tangible characteristics of modern human life have been slipping away.
This blog and my newsletter are my attempts to push against that feeling. They represent my contribution to the Intentional Web. I also have a guestbook right here on the site and it would be lovely if you signed it.
If you enjoy my writing and want to express that monetarily, you can throw a few coins in the empty typewriter case or visit my store. There’s no expectation and any support is genuinely appreciated.
- The color palette is inspired by the Dieter Rams Color Palette Project, originally by Chad Ashley.
- Typefaces are Gambetta, General Sans and Azeret Mono from Fontshare.
- This site runs on Blot. You can download my Blot template here. Domain is registered using Porkbun. Post email subscriptions are through FeedMail. I recommend all of these services.
- ▲ of the Mind newsletter is managed using Loops and then web versions are hosted here on Blot.
- The Shortcuts page has write ups and downloads of some shortcuts for Apple platforms that I use for various site things.
- I maintain a changelog for it.