
Welcome to my guestbook! Guestbook entries come to me for a review first to limit bots and spam. If you want to setup your own guestbook, here’s my setup for reference. Meadowing has also built a lovely guestbook tool.

Please, sign my guestbook.

I’m digging the super clean design of your site! And I’m always delighted to see another Blot user. Am I the first guestbook signee?

Jarrod Blundy - March 13, 2024 at 12:25AM

Love that guestbooks are coming back! They’re such a cool way to interact but also to discover connections among people on the open web.

It’s fun to see familiar names when you visit a guestbook.

Keep writing Steve!

Manu - March 13, 2024 at 08:51AM

Hi! Just discovered your blog via my timeline! I added your site feed to my RSS subscription! Thanks for being a blogger! 

Numeric Citizen - March 14, 2024 at 09:45AM

ciao from Italy … I was surfing around the web and the probably via One in a month Club” I’ve landed here.

Really enjoyed some of your latest post, so I’ve subscribed your RSS.

Nicola - March 16, 2024 at 10:43PM

I love fleets!

Andrea Contino - March 24, 2024 at 09:14PM

Another guestbook, this is a trend I can definitely get behind. Really interesting setup you’re using with a more static site too, great work Steve! What’s old is new again—a reincarnation of the early web and its charm, minus the screeching modem noises, and dropped downloads at 99% when someone upstairs decides to make a phone call.

If I don’t incorporate one of these on my new blog, I’ll be sitting here beside myself.

Pete MooreMarch 27, 2024 at 07:50AM

Love your site! I have also created my own microblogging site” as a way to get off social media. Keep up the good work.

Joe - May 15, 2024 at 01:00PM

Groovy how you have this setup on Blot. It’s great to see parts of the old school web resurface as in guestbooks coming back I totally forgot I had one on my about page for years. It’s a great way to meet your people so I hope it keeps taking off.

Tangibly yours,

Ray -   May 16, 2024 at 05:37AM

I love the clean look and the Dieter Rams inspired color palette of your site! You’ve been on my RSS feed for quite a long time.

It’s fun you have a guestbook too. Keep blogging!

Kenan -   June 05, 2024 at 10:33AM

Hello. Manu said to drop by and say hi - so … Hi’.

Wait - this is a Blot site? 

K O O L! 

John PhilpinJune 15, 2024 at 09:15AM

Hey Steve, stumbled upon your blog. Glad I did. Saw the shortcuts page. Great stuff. I’m also using iA Writer. Thanks and happy blogging!

Robert BirmingJuly 15, 2024 at 12:24PM