What I’m up to now

  • Writing more
  • Back on track with my nightly reading habit (finally); current book, Nowhere Man (part of the Orphan X series)
  • I’ve decided on the content for my first ever book project. In the planning phase now, but excited to take on this as a writer.
  • House projects: customizing our ceiling fan; upgraded the home WiFi; garage declutter and organizing; backyard bike storage shed; new front-door; refreshed family room and repairs from puppy years” with Oden; front plant beds updated to river rocks vs. mulch
  • Preparing to submit my home office to the awesome Workspaces newsletter - Almost there (seriously)!
    • This is one step forward, two steps back at times. One final sprucing up/decluttering should get me to the point of submission in June July.
  • Considering creating some print-on-demand products; concerned about quality of the finished product (evaluating options)
  • Thinking a lot about my life up to now and the rest of it (this is usually good for writing inspirations)

This is a now page” I update approximately monthly. The last update was on 7/3/2024. You should consider having one too!

…and then

  • Completed a macropad customization project - post coming soon
  • ~~Moving my book archive off Oku and onto my own site mymind~~
  • Considering topics for something longer-form; book… perhaps
  • Brainstorming a Swift-based app idea; making progress here (need to decide if this is something I will try to fit in for 2024) NOTE: Put this idea on the shelf for now.
  • Making some Shortcuts public on my blog to share with others
  • Trying to get back to regular newsletter writing cadence (STILL a struggle)
  • Wrapping up my thoughts on my year of living without” and figuring out 2024’s themes
  • Consolidating all my blogs to one
  • Preparing for all the kids to go back to school
  • Getting back to nightly fiction (and some non-fiction) reading (took a couple of weeks off for other efforts)
  • New dog crate for Oden
  • Refining writing flows
  • Swapping all my sites over to Fontshare web fonts from Google Fonts
  • Starting my Year Without theme with my phone (and watch) in grayscale only mode
  • Planning my 2023 themes and how to lean into them
  • Recovering from an ankle fracture and surgery (back to two shoes and only a compression sock most days!)
  • Relaunching my Triangle of the Mind | 📐 of the 🧠 newsletter on a new platform (Loops)
  • Learning Figma for design
  • Putting the finishing touches on the modular garage dance studio
  • Researching the best async tools and practices for evolving our team’s how we work” document
  • Planning for our July family vacation to Austin, TX
  • Decluttering @ home
  • Training our English Mastiff pup, Oden
  • Creating new writing flow shortcuts on Apple platforms
  • Eliminating two cubes in two office buildings at work
  • Putting the finishing touches on my home office
  • Migrating 3 sites to Write.as
  • Learning Go for scripting