IndieWeb Carnival: Rituals

As July wraps up, I’m excited to be hosting next month’s IndieWeb Carnival! The topic will be rituals. It is purposely a very open theme and I can’t wait to read what people care to share.

A few prompts to inspire, but feel free to come at it from any angle at all:

  • What value do rituals possess in your life?
  • How have rituals shaped you?
  • Are there any rituals you’ve outgrown and left behind?
  • Does the term ritual” carry any negative connotation when you hear it?

I’ll post my own entry sometime in early August and will include submissions sent through September 1st. I don’t use webmentions or current day social media platforms, so please send me the links to your posts via email. Once the month comes to a close, I’ll do a roundup post of submissions and the thoughts they sparked for me personally.

Also, please spread the word about the IndieWeb Carnival and grab a future spot to host if you’re inclined.

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2024 Jul·19

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