PenPals With Jarrod Blundy

Jarrod Blundy writes over at his blog HeyDingus. I got on with Jarrod from our very first interaction. The name of his blog immediately resonated with me from my many hours listening to Merlin Mann’s podcasts. Jarrod’s posts are interesting and span a wide variety of topics.

Jarrod mentioned to me that he had been running a monthly PenPals series where he and another person he’d met on the internet would email back and forth about whatever was on their mind and then he’d post the full conversation on his blog for folks to read once the month concluded. I thought it was an awesome idea and was happy to participated.

Here’s the link on Jarrod’s site to the full exchange. He formats it so nicely, I’d prefer people read it over there than embedding it here.

Jarrod, if you’re reading this post, thanks man. It was my honor to be your July PenPal.

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2024 Aug·27

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