Friction is a feature
This post is my entry for January’s IndieWeb Carnival being hosted by V.H. Belvadi.
This is a great theme to kick off the year. I read V.H.’s post and was honored to have my Intentional Web Manifesto quoted as an example of people promoting the right kinds of friction on the internet. Since I think I’ve covered that topic best as I’m equipped for the time being, I’ll focus on a different form of friction for this month’s theme post.
I’ve come to embrace the mantra of friction is a feature. Not only is it a feature of the human existence, but it’s a feature in the same vein as the amusing “Feature or Bug” memes regarding functionality of apps, devices, etc. Friction is a feature is such a simple and pure reframing of a term that therapy talk and life shaped around removal of all inconvenience have weaponized as the enemy of an optimized life. I call bullshit!
Friction is what refines us in the same way that a smooth edge on a beautiful piece of furniture had the splinters and sharpness massaged away with sandpaper and movement. Friction means doing hard things to get good at doing hard things. Friction means not shying away from conversations and people that stretch you. Friction transforms energy from form to form, and the idea that we should remove all of the friction from our lives leaves us small, empty, and unnecessarily fragile. We lack, ironically, what that sandpaper has… grit.
Friction is a feature is what has led me to do several years of “living without” experiments in my life. Life is going to inevitably throw some friction at you at the most inopportune time. While it may be unfortunate, the most unfortunate thing is when someone has allowed the grit muscles in their brain, body, and spirit to atrophy to the degree that any unexpected friction feels insurmountable. If you look at the people in your life that seem to take life in stride, my bet is on those same people having an attitude that friction isn’t the enemy.
Humans need friction, as a feature.
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