Creative Environments

This post is my entry for May’s IndieWeb Carnival being hosted by Juha-Matti Santala.

I used to be precious about these things, long ago. Now, most of my posts get written with my laptop at the kitchen counter. I will sometimes have an idea strike me while I’m making lunches for my kids before school. I’ll walk over, open the laptop and jot a few things down to come back to whenever I get the opportunity. The ability to have what feels like an almost endless battery on the M2 MacBook Air (plus the instant wake and login of Touch ID) removes whatever friction would have existed with this in the past.

There are times when I have an idea framed, but really need some solid quiet writing time. I will usually sit on my front or back porch for these longer sessions. If it’s too hot for that, the Eames Lounger in my home office is a great spot too. Because I use my standing desk for the work that pays my bills, it doesn’t often feel like a creative environment in the sense of my writing. I will sometimes noodle around with something there, or tinker with something that the desk surface is really best suited for. An example of this type of creation would be my recent no soliciting sign build.

Only when I’m doing graphical design tasks do I plug my personal laptop into the Thunderbolt dock at my desk to take advantage of the larger screen. I also have an 11” iPad Pro (2018 model) and Magic Keyboard that I’ll take on the go for writing in random locations. I’ve written posts while waiting in carline for my kids to get out of school. In waiting rooms of various flavors and so many other places I can’t recall at this moment.

In the end, all I really need is a good idea and the creative environment will sort itself out. There’s always the dream of a perfect zen spot next to a rock pond or babbling stream, but if those were the only places I could write, you wouldn’t be reading this post.

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2024 May·16

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